If you have a cordura bag, clean any dirt or dust with a damp cloth. We’ve received inquiries about waterproofing these bags and truth-be-told, it’s not necessary. It won’t hurt if you’d like to use a waterproofing product on your bag, but the cordura we source is water resistant and will be just fine in the occasional rain storm.
For leather cases, we recommend you apply leather lotion once a year to keep it moisturized. Quality leather products can last decades, but leather can start to crack once the natural and tanning oils dry up. The Croc leather can benefit from leather lotion as well, but rub gently as there are two colors happening on most of those.
Do NOT use mink oil or other oily or waxy treatments -- these are for waterproofing boots, and they will shorten the life of your leather case. Your leather will be fine in some rain, although we don't recommend taking it for a swim.